Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

just let ya know!

we just let ya know where are we about and i'm separate it into two region, the American and the European.

the Americans are :
(Abe - Michigan)(Willy - Pennsylvania)(Sartika - Virginia)(Mulia - New Mexico)(Icha - Ohio)
(Okky - Wisconsin)(Sascha - Texas)(Pepe - Iowa)(Oca - Rhode Island)(Dian - Kansas)
(Sangga - Virginia)(Attika - Texas)(Lily - Arkansas)(Marlina - Washington State)
(Gebby - Arizona)

the Europeans are :
(Ayu - Switzerland)(Andria - Netherland)
(Audrey - Norway)(Wika - France)

Bye folks!

i'm sartika.. newly here.. newly making blog ^^

This is my mom's car, red mustang

hi guys.. hows life??
there are so many things that make me confused here..

so many things different..
different way of driving,
different toilet,
different language,
different people,
we can drink from the water tub ^^,
and etc..

i'm in virginia now.. i already went to walking trail, camping on the beach, go downtown in DC, go to smithsonian museum, have contra dance, and many more.

it's fun here, so far so good.

haha. i confused what should i write here..
later on will be better for sure.. ^^

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Hei fra Norge!

Heia, jeg heter Audrey, jeg kommer fra Indonesia. Sampai saat ini saya belum tahu pasti sudah berapa kali saya menyebutkan hal itu. Minggu kemarin saya mengikuti arrival camp di Oslo, bila anak-anak YES tinggal di Hotel Hilton, well saya lebih keren lagi, saya tinggal di military camp hehehe. Perlu diketahui tentara-tentara Norwegia sangat sterek dan tidak kerempeng baik tentara laki-laki maupun perempuan. Tetapi meskipun tempatnya di military camp, it was very clean and neat, oke lah pokoknya. Karena saya satu-satunya dari Indonesia, jadi gampang diingat kali yaa. It turns out beberapa kali kayak gini:
Orang lain: Oh you're Audrey, the only one from Indonesia, right?
Audrey: Yes I am (sambil tersenyum), sorry what's your name again?
Hahahaha, banyak orang tahu nama saya tapi saya belum juga hafal nama mereka semua hihi.

Hari Senin kemarin saya pergi ke supermarket, saya harus membeli makanan untuk hiking sekolah saya kemarin. Jadilah saya berniat untuk membeli susu kotak kecil, karena hampir semua susu yang ada tulisannya bahasa Norwegia semua jadi saya ambil aja yang ukurannya kecil. Ketika saya meletakkannya di troli belanja, hostmom dan hostsister saya tertawa. I just found out that was fløte, semacam krim untuk masak sup dll gitu deeehhh hahaha. Hostmom saya sampai bilang, "gapapa kok kalau kamu mau, dulu ibu saya juga minum itu, because she was very skinny and so she need to gain some weight". Ya, ya, ya tapi saya tidak mau tambah gendut karena itu hehehe.
Sekolah saya disini menyenangkan, meskipun beberapa kali saya tidak mengerti apa yang diajarkan. Tetapi paling tidak Google Language Tool helped me quite a lot. Disini cukup sering bahan-bahan pelajarannya ada di internet, buku-bukunya sama sekali ga kayak buku pelajaran biasa. Tetapi lebih mirip ke buku-buku hard cover yang informatif, belajar jadi lebih meenyenangkan bukaannn? Biasanya saya paling anti deh yang namanya baca buku cetak, tapi sekarang mungkin akan berbeda. Lihat saja nanti hehehe.
Kota saya sekarang terletak diatas arctic circle, jadi kebayang kan dinginnya kayak apa. Well, ga dingin-dingin banget sih kalau di dalam gedung/rumah. Tapi kalau di luar, rata-rata minggu ini sekitar 13-15 derajat celcius, cool kan. Hahaha.
Okay sekian dari saya, salam sayang dari Norwegia hsahsahsa

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

Norway, I'm on my way!

Hellllllllllllooooooo people, today is my last day in Tangerang my hometown (saya anak Tangsel loh hahaha). I don't even know how to describe my feeling right now, but I know I am super excited for tomorrow! Since I'll be all by myself to Oslo, it has been my dream to travel the world alone, and so tomorrow I'm going for it, yipeeee :D
I will also be the only one from Indonesia for the AFS Arrival camp near Oslo, but I think I'll be okay with that (I have to actually). Although, there is still one problem: I still haven't finished packing :s I hope I'll be done with it tonight! I never thought packing for a year wouldn't have to be this hard, but well.....
So that's about it for now, until then when I write again in Norway!

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Pennsylvania cuy!

Hell yes! This is my state! hahahaha :D I'm lovin it!
I live in a Susque Camp and now the summer camp is over ,but I've taken some videos and pictures with those family!
Here is it!Above is around my house. So big right?hahahaWell,this is me and Will before going to road biking! hahahaha I like biking so much here!

Okay two more picts!

This is Claire Fischer! She's nice and cute! She said that she was so glad when she met me! hahahahaha (ganteng sih gue wakakakaka)

Well this is me and my hostdad! My funny dad!

Well, this is just the beginning! hahahaha bagi cendolnya ya gan! :p

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Quick News from MIchigan

Abe wanna takes some spaces here....

Ehm... guys i'm arrived favorably in Detroit Metro Airport and 3 days ago i've tasted a few smell of my whole brand new city, Taylor, MI. Today is my fifth day in USA. hmm okay, as Sascha told you everything goes well as mine.

Last night we went to the Woodward Dream Cruise. the biggest car festival when the people around the world goes to Michigan to show their types of car off. Lemme show you some pictures of that festival. it's gonna be fun though makes you jealousy.

i'm so goofy here

that's viper maaaaaaaaaaaan

We done a great night last night with hostparents, hostbro and hostbro's gf. okay that's all, i'll make looking forward to the next post. Bye

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Sascha Cesaria

heyaaa! ini saya sascha.
saya alumni YES Texas 2010 (huehehehe) amin!

cuma mau curhat nih,
sekarang hari kedua di texas, dan alhamdulillah everything goes well.
kemarin exchange sister dari jerman baru nyampe, jadi sekarang gw lagi dirumah aja nih sama host sister (Madison), dan exchange sister (Lena).

and anyway kemarin gw nari saman sama jaipong dirumah. terus mereka gw dandanin deh pake baju saman sama baju jaipong haha.

love sascha