Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Ayu Rahmatini

hello everyone,
my name is Ayu, an exchange student to switzerland (amin). but until today, i dont have any further information about my country (eventhough only the state). congratulation, for all of you who have been contacted by your hostfams yaa.. wish me luck :")
PREPARATION = do nothing. godblessme, i've no idea wht should i do FIRST before 20th of august..
im so excited, but in the other hand, i am willing to stay bit longer here. this is the hardest part of my life, ofcourse for all of you guys, when we should said goodbye to eveyone that we love the most.

geez, we can do it we can do it, we are big b-i-g!

bonne chance! semoga berhasil

Heyya! Willy is my nickname!

Whatcha gonna do when I come for you? hahaha :D
Lemme introduce myself then yuuhuu.
My name is Willy Hanugrah Gusti. But, my friend call me Willy, Willyoa, Wills, Willey hahaha whateva!
I'm 16 years old now and I'm 1.79 m tall hahaha (not important)
OK, I'm so happy and excited now because I'm gonna move to USA for 1 year! That's rad!
But, I still dunno nothing about my hostfam T.T no problem! I'm just praying and praying harder and harder for the best! WISH ME LUCK GUYSSSSSSS! :DD
Oh god, it's just 2 free days left at home for me as the YES program student.
I'll leave my mom alone at home huhu and the hardest part of this is leaving my mom and my girlfriend. I love them so muchhhh. And I know this program is good for me and my friends! I hope this will be a fantastic journey for AFS/YES students 09/10! Amin!
I have to leave my band too :( so check out ARMY OF ANTARCTIC while I'm in USA haha
Enjoy my Tumblr,Blogger,MySpace.
hahaha okay thanks for your attention! See you later and WISH US LUCK!

Heyyyyy people! It's me, Audrey :-)

Hei. God dag, jeg heter Audrey. Jeg kommer fra Indonesia :-D
Hello, I'm Audrey and I'll be going to Norway this August. I am super excited for it, even though until this very minute my luggage isn't even ready yet! I have sooo many things to be packed that I'm sometimes becoming so 'stressed out' about packing.
I will be staying in Harstad, a small city with population of not more than 23.000 people, and it's located in the northern part of Norway, which is above the arctic circle!
Okay until then, ha det bra.


stressed out!

hadoh bkin presentasi susah susah gampang ya trnyta, dan passing grade kita punya nya audrey yg udah handal bgt hahaha
maaf y drey klo ntar bbrapa slide ato jalan crita presentasi gw kyk ad yg sama gt ma lo hha
4 thumbs up buat audrey (sama jempol kaki juga ikutan)

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

they call me "andria"

halo :) gw andria , gw anak sending AFS ke Blanda yang juga senasip sama lily, blm tau state nya dimana, ortunya siapa dan bahkan blm tau ntar klo nyampe sana mau dijemput siapaaaaaaaaa :(

ANIWAIIII ,, sjauh ini gw have fun sama anak2 chapter jakarta.wlopun blm bnyak hal untuk mnguji pertemanan kita, yang penting brengket lah :D

helloo saya lily!

Hemm, aku suka bahasa indonesia, dan mumpung masih bisa ngomong seenaknya pake bahasa indonesia, aku memilih bicara dengan bahasa sunda maksudnya indonesia. Nama saya Livia Meilani tapi cukup panggil saja Lily. Sama seperti Abe, saya adalah seorang YES er, bedanya dengan Abe, saya masih belum mengetahui sampai saat ini, siapakah Host Family dan di mana state yang akan saya tumpangi selama setahun (sedih amat hahaha). Tapi saya adalah anak yang selalu berpikir positif kawan! Tak mengapa telat info mengenai host family, yang penting nantinya dapet host family yang baik, ramah, dan tentunya host brother yang ganteng.

Karena saya hobi ngeblog, saya akan senang sekali mengisi postingan di blok The Jakartans ini, semoga cerita yang saya bagi nanti dapat memotivasi dan menjadi hiburan tersendiri hahaha. Oh iya kalo mau mampir ke blog buruk rupa saya, silakan klik di sini, tapi maaf lagi jarang di update, karena sebelum keberangkatan seperti ini adalah waktu yang sangaaaaaaat sibuk buk buuuuk!

Haha ya sudah cukup sekian, untuk teman-teman semuaaa semoga sukses yaaww..

Love you, emmuah emmuaaah! :p

call me Abe!

um, today is 3 days before the hard days before i -we, i mean- left our hometown, Jakarta. okay, let me introduce myself before i go further. Me, Abe as an exchange student from Jakarta which join AFS and will go to my daydream country, USA. i won't go alone there, because there are 12 others behind me which join as i do.

the good news i would like tos hare with you that i have my hostfam there. taylor, michigan. i'm the yes student from Indonesia. i forgot to tell what is the purpose of this blog. this blog is own by 19 people from Jakarta which have a chance to take a journey in ummm... 5 different countries. USA, Netherland, Norway, France and Swiss. the 15 of us will go to USA and the other will each to their hostcountry.

i think it's a quite description about this blog and the owners. soon, the others will introdeuce themselves here! so don't forget to pin our blog to your own blog and if you don't mind, leave some comments and a bit constructive critic. fasten your seat belt because we'll take you to our journey...

bye folks!